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Speech Therapy

A Speech Pathologist, sometimes also known as a Speech Therapist, is someone who performs assessments and treats speech, language, communication, and swallowing difficulties. They can work with individuals across the lifespan, from little kids to older adults. At Family Agility, we  provide Speech Pathology for infants, children and young people with communication problems, speech disorders, developmental delays and eating / mealtime management issues.

We have immediate capacity* for children with 'Paediatric Feeding Disorder!'

What is Paediatric Feeding Disorder (PFD)?

Feeding young kids is a really complicated process. In fact, it's one of the hardest things infants need to be able to do - especially in the first few weeks, or months of their life. In order to swallow food properly, muscles in the face and nerves in the head need to work together perfectly. If not, this can lead to difficulties with eating and drinking.

Paediatric feeding disorder (PFD) is when kids have trouble eating in a way that is not normal for their age. It can happen because of medical issues, nutritional concerns, poor feeding skills, and/or psychosocial dysfunction (problems with how they feel). For these kids, eating can hurt or it can feel scary or seem impossible, which can prevent them from getting the nutrition they need to grow and be healthy.


If you know someone who has, or suspect that they have Paediatric Feeding Disorder, please complete the questionnaire below and one of our friendly team members will be in touch to discuss with you further. 

Paediatric Feeding Disorder Questionnaire

Does your child let you know when they are hungry?
Do you think your child eats enough?
How many minutes does it usually take to feed your child?
Do you have to do anything special to help your child eat?
Does your child let you know when they are full?
Based on the questions above, do you have concerns about your child’s feeding?

*Please note that we continue to have a waitlist for paediatric speech & language cases, except for Paediatric Feeding Disorder. This questionnaire is not a diagnosis. If you have any concerns about your child's feeding, please seek professional advice directly. Feeding Matters. (2023). The Infant & Child Feeding Questionnaire Screening Tool. Source: Source:

Our Speech Therapy Team can assist with:

  • Aphasia - this is a communication disorder that affects a person’s ability to process language, leading to difficulties in speaking, writing, understanding what others are saying, and comprehending written text.speak and understand others and their ability to read and write. Also referred to as Apraxia of Speech (AOS). Stroke is the most common cause of aphasia, along with brain disorders most commonly involving the left hemisphere of the brain.

  • Apraxia of Speech (AOS) – this is a neurological condition that affects a person's ability to plan and execute the movements necessary for speech production. It's characterized by difficulty in coordinating the muscles and movements needed to produce speech sounds, leading to problems with articulation and speech clarity.

  • Articulation / phonological disorders – which is the inability to properly form certain word sounds. A child with this speech disorder may swap, distort, drop, or add word sounds. Eg: saying “thith” instead of “this.”

  • Cognitive-communication disorders – refers to difficulties with thinking skills that affect one’s communication. It involves challenges in how a person processes, understands, remembers and communicates information. It can result in memory issues, attention issues, problem solving issues and difficulty speaking or listening. This disorder can be caused by abnormal brain development, certain neurological conditions (such as dementia), an acquired brain injury (ABI) or stroke.

  • Dysphagia - which is characterised by difficulty swallowing and may include gagging, coughing or choking while drinking or eating. This can be due to muscular or neurological / nervous system problems. Dysphagia can result in many health-related complications, which is why it is important to receive prompt assessment and management by qualified Speech Therapist to ensure the individual’s safety and well-being. Dysphagia can be caused by neurological conditions or brain injury or can be developmental.  

  • Dysarthria – is a result from weakness or difficulty controlling the muscles used for speech. It can affect the muscles of the lips, tongue, vocal cords, and diaphragm, causing problems with articulation, voice quality, and the ability to speak clearly. This condition can arise from various neurological conditions, such as stroke, brain injury, or degenerative diseases (like Multiple Sclerosis, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis), impacting an individual's ability to produce speech sounds accurately or fluently.

  • Expressive Communication Disorders – encompass a range of difficulties in conveying thoughts, ideas, emotions, or needs effectively through various forms of communication. These disorders might affect verbal and non-verbal communication, including spoken language, gestures, facial expressions, and body language. Individuals with expressive communication disorders may struggle with articulating thoughts, expressing emotions, or engaging in social interactions due to challenges in conveying messages clearly or comprehensively. These difficulties can arise from various conditions, impacting an individual's ability to communicate fluently or appropriately in social, academic, or daily life settings.

  • Fluency Disorders – refers to a disruption or irregularity in the natural flow of speech, impacting the rhythm, rate, and smoothness of verbal communication. This can manifest as stuttering or cluttering. Stuttering is where individuals may repeat sounds, syllables, words, or phrases, prolong sounds, or experience involuntary pauses when speaking while cluttering is experienced as speaking very fast and with words merged together. Fluency disorders can affect the fluidity and ease of speech, causing individuals to struggle with the production of sounds or words, which can lead to communication challenges and social difficulties.

  • Mealtime Issues / Mealtime Problems - if you have a child / teenager that refuses to eat, is excessively restrictive in what they will eat, or displays challenging behaviours at mealtimes - we can help with Mealtime Management services. We can provide mealtime management plans, routines and training for families, carers and support workers to assist with eating and mealtime issues. 

  • Receptive Communication Disorders – where a person may have trouble understanding and processing what others say, which can cause someone to appear uninterested when someone is speaking, or have trouble following directions, or have a limited vocabulary. This difficulty in receiving and understanding information can affect various aspects of communication, including the ability to understand conversations, grasp instructions, or comprehend written text.

  • Resonance disorders – can occur when a blockage or obstruction of regular airflow in the nasal or oral cavities alters the vibrations responsible for voice quality. This disorder can also occur if the velopharyngeal valve doesn’t close properly. People with cleft palate, neurological disorders, and swollen tonsils can experience resonance disorders.


Early Childhood Partners, Parents, NDIS Participants & Support Coordinators

  • We are registered for Early Childhood Early Interventions (ie: children under 9 years old)!

  • If your child is part of the ECEI program or has NDIS funding, we can provide mobile services (home / school / daycare facility, etc) right across the broader Perth region, or you can come to one of our locations.

  • Please complete and submit our NDIS Participant Referral form (use the button below), contact us on (08) 6373 5063 to discuss how we can support your child to achieve their NDIS Goals and your Family Goals.

PaediatricFeeding Disorder Questionnaire
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